Category: newsroom

Inteligex Graduates from CDL-Toronto

Inteligex has graduated from Creative Destruction Labs (CDL) Toronto. CDL is a nonprofit organization that delivers an objectives-based program for massively scalable, seed-stage, science- and technology-based companies. The program provided Inteligex with a year of mentorship with business advisors, chief scientists and angel investors, as well as opportunities to raise capital.

Inteligex Wins 2020 ONtrepreneurs award

The ONtrepreneurs (Ontario Neurotech Entrepreneurs) Program is Canada’s single largest award that catalyzes early stage entrepreneurs to commercialize brain-related technologies. Dr Chris Ahuja (Inteligex CEO) became an OBI 2020 ONtrepreneur to accelerate the commercialization of the stem cell work. Inteligex has received a $50,000 non-dilutive fund from OBI for being a 2020 ONtrepreneur.

Inteligex Wins First Place in Early Stage Competition

Inteligex claimed 1st Place in the Early Stage Category of the 2020 RBC Prize for Innovation & Entrepreneurship awards. Ten cutting-edge University of Toronto student startup teams competed in the RBC Prize for Innovation & Entrepreneurship – the largest pitch competition of the year as part of U of T Entrepreneurship Week. The annual RBC […]